L’entretien des espaces verts confié à des moutons

admin.cms 29 November 2019


Since June 20, some twenty sheep have been completing the lawn mowers of our landscape gardeners and helping to maintain the 27 hectares of park at Domaine de Frémigny.

Originally from the Island of Ouessant (Finistère), our new residents ensure the permanent mowing of their fenced pasture and make it possible to preserve the biodiversity of the park.

The Ouessant sheep measures 50 cm at the withers and weighs no more than 20 kg on average, which does not really make it a meat breed! On the other hand, its robustness allows it to tolerate the least advantageous climates without the need for a sheepfold.

The care provided to the herd is regularly provided by the «modern» shepherds of the company Ecomouton, which has been offering professional eco-paturage for nearly 6 years.

The Domain team will be pleased to introduce you to its new friends during your stay.

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